I helped Scott trim Jaeger for the second time Dec. 11 and then the following Saturday, Dec. 18, went out to see Buttercup as he trimmed her. I didn't get my rasp on her hooves yet, but Scott explained some things in more detail to help me understand what's going on.
Unfortunately, both times it was pouring down rain and I did not get pictures. So since I'm slack, I figured I would talk New Year's resolutions.
My two biggies:
• No more laminitic episodes
• Get my own property
Pretty tall orders for 2011 to deliver. I feel like we have managed Bud's laminitis very well the past seven months, so if we keep our stringent routine of diet and hoofcare, we shouldn't relapse.
As far as property goes, Buttercup's care is very intensive. We're facing a move in 2011 (military) and I think her boarding costs are quickly going to add up to a second mortgage payment. So it would be cheaper for us the rent or buy property and provide care for her.
What are your 2011 resolutions for hoofcare/horsecare?